LB/RB Group Sessions
90 Minutes of LB/RB Work
Service Description
90 Minutes of on field training for Linebackers and Running Backs, 8th Grade and older. LIMIT 6 Players per session. These are individual classes where athletes will work with and against each other at the running back and linebacker positions. Linebacker footwork, tackle ability, angles for tackling and pass coverage will be addressed. For running backs in same session, footwork, ball security and cutting ability will all be addressed. Athletes will go through drills together and then compete against each other putting what they learned in the session to the test. A video will be sent to each athlete after the session whether personalized in session or breakdown after session. PLEASE NOTE: LIABILITY WAIVERS ARE REQUIRED BY ALL ATHLETES/PARENTS. THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE SIGNED ONE TIME PER ATHLETE BUT IF YOU DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PRIOR TO PRIVATE/GROUP SESSION YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN THE SESSION. IF YOU BOOK A GROUP SESSION FOR MULTIPLE ATHLETES AND YOU SIGN THE LIABILITY WAIVER YOU ARE LIABLE FOR ALL ATHLETES INVOLVED IN THE SESSION, NOT JUST YOURS. Questions Need to Be directed to Tori Cole at bc4communications@gmail.com

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel you can cancel online or by contacting Victoria Cole via email at bc4communications@gmail.com. If you cancel under 48 hours before the session you will be charged $25. All athletes are required to have a waiver signed for them prior to start. If a waiver is not signed, by reading and signing this policy you are acknowledging you understand the risks of participating in any football, running, strength training or any kind of training at all. The athletes are to follow all directions safely but ultimately injuries may occur. By signing this you will not hold BC4 Performance, any coaches or any field/facility responsible for any injury incurred during training. Any additional athlete brought on for a group session is the responsibility of the booking party. Signining this you understand the risks for them as well and agree to be liable for that individual.
Contact Details
49 Pleasant View Street, Methuen, MA, USA