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Get to Know Us

      Coach Bobby will teach all athletes the fundamentals of their position along with the proper mental approach for practices and games. He slows the game down and analyzes what the best winning formula is for each athlete on the field. Each player's strengths will be enhanced and Coach Bobby will attack their weaknesses to make them the best all-around player they can be. The goal for BC4 is to "Be Challenged" and "Build Confidence" which is Coach Bobby's motto for not only on the field but in life. If you are the athlete or you are looking for a loved one, I can promise you this, you will not be disappointed with the results

Meet The Coach


Coach Bobby Cole

      Coach Bobby has been involved with the love of football for over 25 years which shows by his experience as well as skills. As a young athlete himself, he played football for 11 years and then transitioned into working as an equipment manager for two Division 1 Football teams and one NFL team, the New England Patriots. While working for these teams, Coach Bobby worked with numerous positions including WR's, DB's, QB's and Special Team units. During the years, Coach Bobby learned about the fundamentals and body mechanics required to perform at the highest level. Coach Bobby now brings this experience, love for the sport, and determination to youth athletes of all ages to help them develop their skills. Coach Bobby and these young athletes have many common goals but the most important is to help the athlete build their confidence, self-esteem and grow as a young adult.


      Coach Bobby is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach, Nutritionist, as well as a Personal Trainer through ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). He uses this knowledge along with the football experience to help train athletes in all aspects of the sports performance world. â€‹

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